When you're craving desert but don't have anything in the house or don't want to bake a whole cake, make this quick 1 serving 1 minute mug cake, BUT FIRST THE RECIPE!
This could quite possibly be the shortest recipe blog post ever written and I think it will still take you longer to read this blog than it will take you to make this recipe.

I don't have much to say other than I have a massive sweet tooth and sometimes I'm way to lazy to bake a whole cake or want to have that much cake in my house to begin with. So what better solution than a single serving mug cake that you can whip up in about 2 minutes and cooks completely in the microwave.
Dry Ingredients:
3 Tablespoons Flour
2 Tablespoons Cocoa Powder
1 1/2 Tablespoons Sugar
1/2 Teaspoon Baking Powder
1 pinch salt
Wet Ingredients:
3 1/2 Tablespoons Milk
1 1/2 Tablespoons Vegetable Oil
1 Splash Vanilla extract
1 Tablespoon Chocolate Chips to Mix in
1 Teaspoon Powder Sugar for Garnish
Whatever else you'd like to mix in!

Measure all of your dry ingredients directly into a mug. I like to use a smaller mug so the cake fills the whole thing. Use a fork or a small whisk if you have one and mix all of your dry ingredients together trying to break up any lumps in the flour or cocoa that you see.

Measure all of your wet ingredients directly into the mug and using your fork mix everything together well. Make sure you scrape down the side and mix all the dry ingredients at the bottom of the mug so you incorporate all the flour and cocoa.

Lightly stir in anything you would like to mix into your cake. I like to add chocolate chunks or chips. this will sink to the bottom when cooking so I like to leave a few near the top or sprinkle a few of the chunks on top as well as mixed into the mug.

Finally microwave on high for 1 minute. Poke the center of the cake with a toothpick and if it doesn't come out clean microwave for 15 more seconds. Finish off the cake by using a fine mesh strainer to sprinkle some powder sugar onto for a fancy jazzed up look.
All that's left to do is dig in and enjoy!
xoxo Emily
